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Holistic Healing & Energy Medicine

Providing Everything You Need

Foot Reflexology

It's like acupuncture without the needles. The zones and accu-points are targeted to strengthen and balance the energy flow.

60 minute book here


Energy Alchemy
New Client - 1 hr 30 min

Energy Alchemy begins to happen when we take notice & witness what is happening in the body, the mind & emotional state.  Alchemy occurs because the cells of your being respond to the environment you create, and together with breath, attention, holding points of constriction in the body and massage of tension you will begin to open to a deeper sense of who you are.  Dropping out of the mental body - the thinking mind - into your Essential Self, which is present in the body.  How this is different from typical energy work and even massage, is that you will be actively receiving and participating in meeting your contractions, with breath and loving presence, algning with the Cosmic Energy as it moves through your system, rejuvenating and replenishing.  This is true healing 

Energy Alchemy
Existing Client - 1 hr 

As an existing client we will work from blueprint we have created for your wellness program and add anything that may have come up since last session 

An Investment in yourself pays
the best interest!

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